我家2015年7月卵巢CA发现后首次手术,两年来一直未控。间歇化疗到6月初,铂类仍然敏感,体感一直还不错,除了治疗的期间,其余的时候都很好,不过治疗一停指标又反弹。8月底开始尝试靶向,想多尝试些可能。使用了YL药奥拉帕尼联合了西地尼布,半个月CA125从123降到了39,效果显著。体感上有乏力和腹泻的现象,考虑到生活的质量,想间歇用药,不知道间歇使用靶向是不是容易耐药呢? 可以停西地,减轻副作用 不确定基因突变的seacat 发表于 2017-9-21 15:27
谢谢海猫,停的话奥拉是否要加量?现在用的是400mg每天的量 8682744 发表于 2017-9-22 17:26
是的,没有检测基因 自在儿 发表于 2017-9-25 17:14
LYNPARZA tablets are now available to treat women who:
Have ovarian cancer that has come back and is responding to platinum-based chemotherapy treatment or
Have a certain type of abnormal inherited BRCA gene advanced ovarian cancer and have received treatment with 3 or more prior chemotherapy medicines. Your health care provider will perform a test to make sure that LYNPARZA is right for you
Take 2 LYNPARZA tablets (150 mg each) 2 times a day (300 mg per dose), totaling 4 tablets each day. Each dose should be taken about 12 hours apart. You can take this treatment with or without food. Remember to swallow the tablets whole—do not chew, crush, dissolve, or divide them. Do not take LYNPARZA tablets if they look damaged. You should not take more than 4 LYNPARZA tablets a day.
铂类敏感的卵巢癌患者,奥拉帕尼维持治疗剂量是300毫克,每天两次,每次间隔12小时。 lz能站短下奥拉帕尼的购买信息吗 先谢谢了 wiena.wu 发表于 2017-10-11 15:37
lz能站短下奥拉帕尼的购买信息吗 先谢谢了
请原谅我现在权限不够,还不能发消息 corner1985 发表于 2017-10-14 16:00